Thursday, June 10, 2010

5th of June.

can someone tell me what's this shit? hahahaha -,-

it's been quite some time since i dedicated a post to a person already, and this time around, this lucky ass is mr.Chow Hew Zhen a.k.a Nolan a.k.a Ip Man.

some random fag facts about him:

he is an ARSEnal fan,
he wants to name his son as Nicotine Chow because he thinks it's cool,
he once claimed that he is Ip Man, yeah you did not hear me wrong, Ip Man, the character Donnie Yen plays.
he wants to have a house party in Perth hahaha.

so yeah, he is my friend. =,=

we celebrated his birthday in the simplest way; 3 persons, an hour drive in city centre, dinner/supper at mamak in Cheras, with no cake & candles.

because he likes it that way. =)

the kind hearted ones to spared some time for him.

if you thought there's no present, you're wrong!
and guess what did we buy for him.

the moon was huge.

Jessie and Nolan.

Ip Man and myself.

i'm gonna show you what we bought for him, almost laugh die me when they suggested this.

Ip Man original DVD which is PRICELESS as it stated there!!
and look at Ip Man's pose (the wannabe i mean), i really feel like 打十个!!

and look at this, he can even split while sitting down.
a real kungfu master heh?

i think i crapped more than i should, more pictures

this is your 2nd birthday with us, time flies huh friend?

even though you're always late whenever we go out,
you're always not there when we're out,
you always give excuses when we ask you out,
but we'll never leave you out.

thanks for being a friend.

Happy birthday Hew.

more pictures on Facebook people,

okay i lied, all the pictures are shown here.

what a cold night,
good night world.

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