Monday, August 4, 2008

Are changes really inevitable?

i have godparents who really love me. My godmother used to be my babysitter.
i was sent to my godparents' house when i was really really young, few months old i guess, because my parents needed to work days and nights.
My godparents have 5 daughters, the eldest Amy, Maggie, Karen, Carrie and the youngest Karis.
And those are the faces that i used to see every single day until i started Kindergarten.
They treated me like their own son, own brother. i really cannot find anyone who can loves me better than they do already, except for my family.

when i was 5 or 6 years old, Maggie moved to hongkong cuz she got a better job offered over there.
she stays there, married there and set up a small tyre company. She only come back to Malaysia maybe for twice a year.

when i was 7 or 8 years old, Karen moved to Singapore for the same reason.
she stays there, get married there, and now she and her husband migrated to Australia already.
and they hardly have chance to come back, once or twice a year only.

2 years back, Karis decided to move to HongKong too because Maggie needs someone to help her out. She came back for once only so far.

and 2 days later from now, Carrie is going to HongKong too. Has greater and better job opportunities over there, she said.
had dinner with Godparents and her just now. we talked about so many things just now.

i don't really know what am i talking about here, but i really wonder.
why must everyone faces changes in their life, for better or worse, i still don't like these changes.
i hope they could stay around me for the rest of my life.
yeah, i might be selfish but it is really what i wish for.

but to think as a grown up, changes always lead us to a better life.
and only these changes can make us look back sometimes, to cherish and to treasure what we had and what we had gone through.
only these changes, can make us appreciate the minutes we could spend with each other, take account on them.

i was a coward, and i still am a coward who don't even dare to tell each and everyone of them that i love them. i never have the courage to do so. even though i really do love them very much.

B jehjeh, i'm gonna miss you very much.

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