Sunday, August 3, 2008

baby don't freak out. xD

it's been 6 days already since the last time i updated my blog.
was kinda sick since day 1 of semester 2 started. i don't know why.

feel better now, so i decided to update a lil bit.

nothing special to talk about the second week of sem2.
it's just plain boring and tiring because i still haven't adjusted my bed time.
still sleep for 4 or 5 hours per day only.

i watched Midnight Meat Train, and The Mummy.
watched MMT with U at the largest Jusco in Malaysia. the cinema is haunted, U said.

Watched TM with friends since U had already watch it.
and baby, i find the movie not as bad as you said la. ok lo. heh

celebrated liyin's birthday yesterday. or not really a celebration, just had lunch with her at korean restaurant. then movie.
she's 20 already. hoho everyone is getting older.

birthday girl & wengkhong

had futsal last night. my foot need massage so badly. Thai massage.
but i can only do some Ogawa massage. okay, ignore this part. lol

how to play again this wednesday with such lousy health condition.
sigh.too long didn't play already.

meet Oscar! my gay dog. gay as in happy la. =D

U went for the MTV Asia Award last night at Genting highland. =(
jealous sial.

keeps making me jealous la. so bad.

i think U does this to everyone lo. evil fella.

and U is going for Driving Test tomorrow, means skipping class,

means i won't be able to see U again.


does anyone of you know how it feels like? not seeing your love one for 3 consecutive days?

trust me, you would not want to know it nor experience it.


i miss U so bad.

every piece of me is craving for you, so badly. =(

and thanks to U's Hoody. it helps me get through these hard nights.

the smells on your hoody can always calm me down and put me to sleep.

haha i might sound a lil like pervert here but it's true and i am not afraid to tell you. hoho.

tomorrow will be the first day of third week.
and i really need to find the study mood back. i miss you.

p/s: chengwoon, you can wear any of my hoody but not that one. i'm not being mean.
but you know why. hehe x)


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