Thursday, August 7, 2008

alright i'm back by popular demand. xD
okay maybe i should correct that line.

i'm back because i've got photo that most of them want.

the photos taken on monday, a tiny farewell with PeiWah.

fyi, she's changing to Sunway Uni because Taylor sucks. alright, that's not true.
because it takes longer time to achieve her goals studying in Taylor i could say.

so we had a lil gathering with her on monday at sunway pyramid.
most of us showed up. except that we forgot about Patrick. xD sorry man.

we had some chicken buffet, not the type of food that i really enjoy,
but it was fun eating with all of em.

hmm so i shall feed you guys with some photos la.

that's all i have. picked some decent ones. these are what left. haha

nothing much to talk about college la. i'm gonna skip that.

ahh. i did something not so decent today and U wasn't really happy about that. =(

it's between us only, again.

i'm sorry baby.

i won't do that again alright.

and today we ran to main campus in the rain,
a day to remember, i supposed? xD


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