Sunday, August 17, 2008

my blog is back in business.

it was being abandoned because the writer strucked by some stupid disease named dengue.

now i'm fully recovered i guess.

to people who sent me text messages, send me messages, dropped messages in my chatbox, and people who even came to visit
me at hospital.

you know who you are.

i cannot write each and everyone's names here but i certainly will thank you all in person.

once again, thank you for the greetings and all.

won't recover so soon without it, it certainly helps. mentally. haha

hmm want to talk about it?
ah. it was a nightmare staying in hospital.

but the hospital i stayed was more like a hotel than a medical centre.

like a 4 or 5 stars medical centre.

i can tell you the name and location if you wish to visit it, it's Gleneagle Intan Medical Centre.

located somewhere in Ampang.

*choi choi choi*

*touch wood*


except for the sucky food, waiting for the doctor for whole day just to see him for less than 30 seconds, go toilet with a big dumb machine which is probably the device that kept me alive, no television, in the same room with 2 snoring pigs,
it was basically fine.

oh, just so you know, my brother was with me all the time.
you'd probably think that he was there to keep me company but nahhhh,
WE were admitted into the same hospital, in the same room, for the same particular reason.

in fact, he was few hours earlier. =D


owhhh i guess that's what makes us Brothers. *winks*

my hands are fulled of holes now, did hundred times of blood tests.
that's the killing part.

seriously, they keep poking the same place everytime they take my blood.

other place no blood already meh? sigh.

my friends said i'm officially a man now.


need to be poked so many holes to become a man, i rather not to be then.

yes i'm a sissy. =)

my girlfriend cried. because of me admitted into hospital.
do you know what's my reaction when i was told about it?

i tear. oh yes, guys do cry.

but i wasn't really crying la, i'm touched and couldn't really control the tears from flowing out.

knowing the fact that there's actually someone care about me thaaaaaat much.

that's why i tear.

and i am not afraid to admit.

thank you baby. and thanks for the visit, along with hewzhen hariz alexx and jtsen. =)

i loveU!

alright, so i shall wrap this up with a BIIIIIGG THANK YOU AGAIN.

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