Monday, July 7, 2008

couldn't help myself from snapping pictures of U.

yay! final exams are over!
okay,i know i'm few days late to shout or blog about it. but i'm still very happy cuz it's finally OVARR.
photo taken during exam? heh

oh the joy after exams

couldn't blog for the past few days due to viruses that infected my computer, serious one i guess. cuz the whole screen turn into blue colour and few lines of word popped out. wtf wtf.
but the good news is i could still blog after trying my luck to turn on the comp for a few times. hahaha
gonna send it to reformat errm..tomorrow i guess. hehe
which means all my songs and photos will be deleted. T___T

which m*****f**k*rs created viruses?! i'm cursing you now, pointing middle finger to you and i hope you see this. =_=

ahh too long never update my blog, don't really know where to start.
erm..last week is all about exams loh. nothing much to talk about except for the last day.
went to Curve with U, HewZhen-Lynne, Alexx, BeeShin, Felicia and SzeWei.
watched Wanted, the movie was not bad but kinda ridiculous, the bullet can turn 360 degree one wor? and the sniper can kill a person from a distance like err..Kepong to Subang. LOL
Angelina Jolie is a hot mum. O,O

after movie we lepak-ed at ikea, the playground. oh Alexx, oh good old days, oh those were the happy time. hahaha i think i should stop being sarcastic. then all of them went back, Alexx sent them back to ss15.

our grandfathers' chairs.

our grandfathers' bathtub.

so left only U and i, the happy time. hoho
i cut my hair later on and i'm going to skip that part cuz i want to scream my lungs out every time i look into the mirror now.
bye bye long hair, hi retarded hair. =)
baby are you happy now? we're both retarded already. teeheehee. xD

our last class with ms.leena on friday, the week before final. she won't be teaching us in the nex sem. =(

i've been staying at home since yesterday, stoned in front of the television for 10 consecutive hours, i guess.
really lifeless wehhh.
went out to mamak with Woon and WeiYee few hours ago. yeah i can see road blocks everywhere. wtf, caused jam only.
ahh Woon is currently involve in a relationship! again. =X
hope you're serious this time. haha. he's planning something for their one month anniversary. awww.
i want to bang wall, i forgot WengKhong birthday which was on the 24th of june. sorry man. T_T
so here, happy belated birthday! haha i dont think he'd read my blog.

some not so happy kind of thing happened in the exam week.
hmm tell me ur feelings k sayang. don't hide your feelings and i don't want to be the last one who knows when you're not happy.
i miss U soooo much, need to wait until wednesday only can see U. and i can't wait for it, get to spend SIX days with U in Penang and Langkawi. hohohoho. ohh cannot find any word to describe how happy am i.
see la, we'll last one. definitely will last. =)


people please bless my computer.
till then.

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