Thursday, June 19, 2008

the zoomed in version of yeong ean's L licence photo is freakin me out! LOL
seriously, and it is definitely a good way to release stress and all. laughed like mad people this morning while having our breakfast at 'white town'. hahah alright, it's Old Town. but i'm not gonna post the photo here la, i'm a good guy and she wants her reputation protected. =P
those funny course mates always come out with funny statements or funny stories or funny words and last but not least, funny photos. LMAO.

yeahh..nothing much happened these few days. went to watch movie with U and course mates yesterday. Long Khong2, the thai horror movie. but it wasn't horror la, plain disgusting scenes, typical storyline. wonder why they all were traumatized. and U wasn't really watching, was sleeping i guess. haha
true, don't know head over to pyramid for how many times already for the week. wanted to go somewhere else tomorrow but U has driving lesson.

hmm..what else.. erm..watched the rest of them presenting for EWE. very not bad lo i think, better than ours at least? hehe.
and some of them got bombed by the judges. meanie judges. YOU KNOW WHO. TEHtarik, KERIXTYNA, THAMADARULEHSAN. meanie judges. and few of them even cried after their 'comments'.
luckily our judges were some kind people like mr.Ang and ms.Leena. =)

think it's photos time. hehe

group 'Revolt'.


photo of the day, an obscene photo.

i know you'd be excited about this photo, YOU KNOW WHO. xD

my mouth is smelly now laa. ate durian, wanted to drink shandy just now, luckily i didn't. or i'd probably be dead by now.
durian is nice la, but the aftermath of eating it is, stinky breathe. and it won't go away easily even after you brush ur teeth for few times. =_='
but ermm..i still like eating it. what about you guys.
it's the king of fruit! and it's buatan malaysia. support la local fruit.
i wonder why am i talking about durians here, but seriously my mouth stink and my burp kills. hahaha.
don't kiss me tomorrow sayang. xP

alright, i gotta go to brush my teeth again, and again. then hit the bed.
i <3>
till then.

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